Teacher Training for The Kid Code Courses

When you embark on this journey, you are doing something wonderful for yourself and your kids, and other parents & their kids!

This work helps parents and children get ‘right now relief’ during upsets—because all parents deserve a peaceful parenting experience and all kids deserve a peaceful parent.

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Prerequisites for taking the teacher training:

  • PurchaseThe Kid Code, 30 Second Parenting Strategies in paperback. 
  • Read the book, cover to cover.You can’t teach what you don’t know. It’s also the manual for your students, and some students might read the whole thing and ask questions you will want to be able to answer (also, you’re not expected to remember the entire content of the book because you have it to refer to when a student refers to something you don’t remember).
  • Try out every strategy until there is understanding of how they provide relief to you, and you can see that they will do the same for other parents and kids.
  • Practice all strategies that you want to teach until you can teach them using your own experiences and successes as examples.
  • Use any or all these techniques daily (for your own deepening awareness and relief) and be able to clearly and briefly explain them:
  • Blessing Mistakes
  • The Tantrum Tamer
  • The Blessing Boomerang
  • I am That
  • The Turnaround
  • Natural Consequences vs. Punishment
  • Stillness
  • Diverting to Divinity
  • The Y in The Road (Happy or Mad Street)
  • Making Peace with Problems 
  • Torequest approval to begin teacher training, we suggest you sit quietly and see which instructor you are drawn to and then email the application form below to the instructor you would like to work with (see Teachers for more information):
  • Prior to being accepted for training you must provide a criminal record check to your instructor. 
  • Lasha at:[email protected]
  • Amanda at:[email protected] 
  • or another designated teacher assigned during the process. 
  • The next step is to have a Zoom conversation with your instructor to
  • discuss the Kid Code vision (wellbeing for parents and kids is our goal)
  • discuss your ability to share vs. give advice (we don’t give advice because we don’t know which strategy will work best in any given situation) 
  • confirm that you have readThe Kid Code
  • subsequent to that meeting, the instructor will email you acceptance into the training or suggestions for how to become a great teacher of this work and, once completed, you can re-apply.
  • Take the teacher training with the instructor of your choice, which will consist of at least 3 hours of Zoom or phone meetings.
  • Submit a 10-15 minute video to your instructor and Brenda—teaching your favorite strategy. 
  • Cost is $300 to be paid to your instructor prior to training (or another designated instructor), whomever you choose as your instructor, and includes Zoom calls.
  • Sign a disclaimer, provided by your instructor and email it to them and Brenda.
  • Commit to teaching 4 courses a yearminimum—online (Thinkific, Zoom, Facebook Live), by phone, or in person.
  • Attend a monthly Zoom meeting (1st Tuesday of each month at 10:00 am Mountain Time) with Brenda and the other teachers to keep updated and inspired (or listen to the replay in the Face Book Training Room). 
  • Participate in answering questions on our Facebook Page. After you have taught the students, all their questions are to be directed to The Kid Code Facebook Page where you or another teacher can reply within twenty-four hours. Kid Code Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/thekidcode 
  • Teach one strategy at a time (10 minute video +/-) or as many as you want. 
  • Teach a few parents, or groups of parents, teach families (groups of parents with their child/ren age 7 and up), teach through study groups or book clubs.
  • Commit to teaching onlyThe Kid Codestrategies during the courses (offer separate courses if you teach them—on your own website). If you have pre-recorded courses that are towards the Kid Codes or Parent Codes (ways for parents to clear themselves of the stress beliefs cause, or are helpful to blossoming parents) you can submit them to Brenda for consideration.
  • There are no royalties or commissions due to Brenda or any instructor when you teach.
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Teaching Tips (to know before you apply to see if they align with you).

  1. Teach from the perspective of wanting wellbeing for the parent and the child/ren. That is our focus.
  2. Have, and share the awareness, that from using the strategies mental, emotional and physical changes can occur, but they are primarily designed to anchor one in the natural inner state of wellbeing, no matter what is going on in the body or the outer world. 
  3. When you don’t know, say you don’t know. Right now, feel the relief and relaxation that accompanies that statement: “I don’t know.” “I don’t know” is a relief not a judgment. Dishonesty is easily recognized and causes distance not connection.
  4. These strategies are not for the purpose of ‘changing’ behavior, although, they do and you will notice that for yoruself. They are for the purpose of being brought back to our natural selves/True Nature and operating from there. From our natural state behavior is natural: joyful and harmless.
  5. When asked questions by students:
  6. Briefly share your experience, if relevant.
  7. Briefly re-explain the strategy if necessary.
  8. Invite them to sit quietly and see which strategy would work best for them, or
  9. Invite them to pick one and try it.
  10. Understand the following questions and answers and bring your own conscious answers to the questions:
  11. Who is the authority on what strategy to use at any given time? (The parent).
  12. If a parent says, “I don’t know how to figure out which strategy to use for a problem,” how do you respond? Examples: 
  13. “You can try using Stillness.”
  14. “Use whichever one you are drawn to.”
  15. “Try them out and see what works well for you.”
  16. “Here’s what I use that works for us.” (Share what works for you).
  17.  A parent says, “This strategy doesn’t work!” How do you respond? Example:
  18. “This is how is worked for me…”
  19. “Here’s what might help…”).
  20. “Getting quiet is a secret to letting this work work. That means that if you find a strategy that doesn’t seem to work, close your eyes, take slower, deeper breaths, ask the questions and wait for the answers. Don’t ‘think’ the answers so much as waiting to be shown.”
  21. They say, “This is damaging to me and my kids,” what do you say to them? Example: “In what way did it cause damage?” “If you feel it causes damage, don’t use it, just like you wouldn’t use anything else that caused you damage.” “It causes wellbeing for my kids and me—that is my primary goal and this work has brought that to me”. If necessary, remind them that “The disclaimer in the book (the manual for the courses) states you assume all responsibility for using the strategies.”
  22. Encourage students by assuring them that we all still over-react, and that they will still over-react, and that over time, they will over-react less and feel more calmness when dealing with a child’s upsets—and that we do get ‘right now relief’ when we use a strategy. Encourage them by assuring them that we will all continue to make mistakes and then teach them how to use the strategy Blessing Mistakes when they make a parenting mistake.
  23. There are no territories. Any teacher can teach anywhere at any time to anyone. There are many millions of parents who want help. Each teacher will always bring their own experience and teaching style when they teach the same strategy, so teaching the same strategy is encouraged. Rather than languish in lack, we will support each teacher who teaches a course by sending them and their students a blessing of gratitude that they are about to help a parent and that will help a child, and that will help the world. If there is anything upsetting about other teachers and territories, it’s so understandable because we’ve been raised to see that we are separate and that means we’re in it for ourselves. So far, that’s just painful, not productive. We are no longer willing to live in a limited world of our own making and will do our own inner work on any trigger or upset that we feel—to become free. If you have any upsets about other teachers and their courses, as always,use one of the strategies to give you relief and return you to coherent thinking. 
  24. All students you teach must sign a disclaimer and you must keep them on file. The disclaimer is in Google Docs under Teachers Tools which you will have access to when you receive your teacher certificate.
  25. You assume all liability for using and teaching the strategies.

For the love of little kids,

Brenda Miller, 

Author The Kid Code, 30 Second Parenting Strategies

Blessing Mistakes

Mr. Upalupagus’s Secret Secrets

BullyProof Yourself (And Your Kids)

Application to be a Kid Code Teacher

Application to be a Kid Code Teacher

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